Performance Piece

My performance piece represents a routine activity in my everyday life, demonstrating the "art in the everyday" as discussed in class, which is taking out my dog. Much of my time is spent taking care of, walking, or playing with my dog since he is still young and has loads of energy. This video demonstrates a "simple, worry free dog life" and how just going outside and running around with a ball makes them happy and content, while being compared to humans who require so much more to feel this way in life.  While creating this piece I found adding music to the video was more difficult than I anticipated, trying to determine what beats would go best with or "match" each action occurring.However after playing around with the different song choices I found myself enjoying the process and the overall product that I created. After learning in this class how long of a process it would have been to create this short video in the past without the technological advances we have today really amazed me of how easy of a process it now is, and how readily available it is to most people. I enjoyed making this video of an everyday action I typically wouldn't even think twice about and documenting it in my own creative way, and am happy with how it came out.


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